Welcome & Sawasdee August 2022
The Stanford Club of Thailand provides opportunities for Stanford University alumni, current students and their parents, and parents of former students to connect to one another, and to foster a sense of Stanford community in Thailand. Our Club organizes social and scholarly interactions for our local Stanford community through year-round events.
This website will introduce you to our vibrant community, our club events, its leadership, mission and, history. We hope the Club will help connect to the broader resources of Stanford communities elsewhere.
We also regularly organize activities with alumni clubs of other US colleges and universities. In the past, we've gathered to host speakers, leadership exercises, quiz night, pizza evenings with the GSB Chapter in Thailand, the alumni clubs of Harvard, HBS, MIT, and Berkeley. Together with UPenn Club, we cofounded and organize the IvyPlus gatherings in Thailand in 2015. We co-hosted the second IvyPlus gathering in Thailand, gathering over 600 alumni from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Yale and alumni from OxBridge and LSE for a festive collegiate gala. In 2017, we co-hosted the third IvyPlus party, adding Chicago and Northwestern University. See other more recent events on the home page. The covid pandemic paused plans for other activities.
If you are interested in getting involved, have ideas for speakers or other activities, we would be delighted to hear from you, write us at Stanford.Thailand@gmail.com . We look forward to welcoming you soon to our club events.
The Stanford Club of Thailand operates under the auspices of the Stanford Alumni Association.
About Us
The Stanford Alumni Association exists to help you stay connected to Stanford, and to each other, wherever you are in your life now. Whatever you're seeking, be it Stanford events and connections in your hometown, an excuse to come back to the Farm for reunion, a job lead or a mind-expanding magazine, we've got you covered.
Hundreds of clubs exist to connect alumni around a shared location, interest or culture.
Our Mission
The Stanford Alumni Association seeks to reach, serve and engage all Stanford alumni and students; to foster a lifelong intellectual and emotional connection between the University and its graduates; and to provide the University with goodwill and support.
Our History
Founded in 1892 by the University's first graduates, the Stanford Alumni Association aims to deliver the most effective alumni relations program anywhere in higher education. Its diverse offerings include a bimonthly magazine; online communication and networking tools; academic and social programming (on and off-campus); a worldwide travel/study program; and numerous Stanford-related products and initiatives.